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Sun, 27/01/2013 - 14:57

Half a Dozen Golden Eggs

Golden EggThe New Year has brought new ideas and fresh challenges to Platts & Nisbett. Our bespoke surgical instrument service is always popular, and this month is no exception.

Our knowledge and expertise is currently being put to the test as we are working on SIX innovative new ideas for our excited customers. These current projects include instruments for reconstructive knee surgery, orthopaedic & trauma surgery, obstetrics and gynae procedures.

By working with our customers using their basic concepts or rough sketches, we produce instruments which are both original and exceptional. From Surgeons to Surgical Companies, from Universities to Innovation Hubs; our customers never cease to be amazed at the results we can achieve.

To see how this unique service has benefited others, please visit the Testimonials section of our website.

Could your idea help achieve a great surgical result and become the next Golden Egg?